GERMANIDOU S. Revisiting the “Goods of Kisterna” in Mani, Southern Peloponnese. A Complicated Yet Captivating Storyline
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Sophia Germanidou
Mary Curie Research Fellow, School of History, Classics and Archaeology,
Newcastle University, Claremont Rd, Old Library Building,
Desk 30, NE1 7RG New Castle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Abstract. This article reconsiders the textual and archaeological evidence on the delimitation and, most importantly, on the naming and the praised “goods” around or in “Kisterna”, a still disputable area situated in the NW (Messinia province) or southern (Laconia province) Mani peninsula. These are a Venetian document, as well as the French and Greek versions of “Chronicle of Morea”, the historical works of George Pachymeres, Nikephorus Gregoras, Makarios Melissenos and archaeological heritage, that is, the castle of Leuktro in Stoupa, Oriokastro in Ano Poula, Tainaro cape in Kinsternes bay. According to the interpretation introduced, the regional landscape and topography, the naming could potentially be associated with cisterns and basins where fish by-products preservation and processing was taken place. These workshops were known from the Roman period as cetariae and probably as “lakkoi” in the Byzantine era. The article by its structure includes the parts “Introduction – Aims”, “Deconstructing a) the term and the reason of the “theme” and “Deconstructing b) the naming”, “Revisiting a) the primary sources” and “Revisiting b) the archaeological evidence” as well as “Conclusions”.
Key words: Kisterna, Mani, Messinia, Laconia, Slavs Melings, Franks, Leuktro-Beaufort, Tainaro, Ketaria-cetariae, cisterns-fish tanks, Chronicle of Morea, George Pachymeres, Nikephoros Gregoras, Makarios Melissenos.
Citation. Germanidou S. Revisiting the “Goods of Kisterna” in Mani, Southern Peloponnese. A Complicated Yet Captivating Storyline. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 4. Istoriya. Regionovedenie. Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya [Science journal of Volgograd State University. History. Area Studies. International Relations], 2023, vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 212-239. DOI:
Revisiting the “Goods of Kisterna” in Mani, Southern Peloponnese. A Complicated Yet Captivating Storyline by Germanidou S. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.