NELIN T.V. Indian Policy of John Adams Administration: the Contours of the Political Course


Timur V. Nelin

Candidate of Sciences (History), Acting Head of the Department of International Relations and Foreign Area Studies, Director, Center of American Studies “Americana”,

Volgograd State University

timur_nelin@mail.ruThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article considers the policy of John Adams administration toward the Native Americans in 1797-1801. This subject was not investigated by Russian scholars. Foreign scholars researched the Indian policy of the second president of the United States only in general terms. They paid attention to the views of John Adams towards the Natives and to the common principals of such policy. In fact the details of the policy have to be explored. The lack of attention by the scholars towards John Adams’ Indian policy can be explained by the fact that the period of 1797-1801 was not rich in significant events in Indian-White relations. There were no great conflicts between the two nations. It seems that John Adams was not an enthusiastic reformer. However the problems of the frontier existed and they could be solved. The second president of the USA did his work and tried to reduce the negative influence of foreign agents on the Native Americans. In this task he had to use the experience of George Washington, who was the real enthusiast in implementing the Indian policy. The other issue that had to be solved dealt with the Indian lands. John Adams administration did the best to overcome all difficulties with minimal losses. The author tries to acquit John Adams and to show the reasons why his Indian policy was not so bright as George Washington’s or Thomas Jefferson’s ones.

Key words: U.S. history, John Adams, Native Americans, Indian policy, frontier.

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Indian Policy of John Adams Administration: the Contours of the Political Course by Nelin T.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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