GOMANENKO O.A. Peculiarities of Social Insurance of Workers of the Middle Volga Steamship Line During the Post-War Restoration Period (1945-1946)

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu4.2015.4.15

Olesya Aleksandrovna Gomanenko

Candidate of Sciences (History), Associate Professor,

Department of Social Work and Pedagogy,

Volgograd State University

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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. During the post-war restoration the work on social insurance in river transport was intensified. It were trade unions including councils of social insurance that dealt with social problems in the Volga Steamship Lines. Trade unions exercised control over the budget of social insurance, over labor safety, etc. In the Middle Volga Steamship Line (SVRP) 15 councils for social insurance functioned. They included 140 insurance agents. Their task was to decrease incidence, traumatism, and also to improve the conditions of work and life of river transport workers. Tasks of councils of a social insurance included systematic supervision over a sanitary condition of shops and territories of the industrial enterprises of the steamship line. Financial support was allocated to families of veterans with many children and families in need. Insurance delegates together with a doctor of the health center in workshops registered workers needing additional food for health reasons. Insurance delegates gave social help to patients at home and in hospital. After the end of the war comprehensive plans of improving actions were put through. Financial and food position of river transport workers improved. However in 1946 in SVRP there was a small growth of incidence again. Those who needed  treatment, and also the best workers were provided with permits in sanatorium. Managements of Volga Steamship lines showed care of children of river transport workers. During thewinter period camps were decorated with New Year trees, in summer – rest was arranged. On the accounting of the trade-union organizations of the Middle Volga basin families of the lost soldiers, the military personnel, disabled veterans and demobilized consisted. As for labor protection, that, despite increase in allocations for safety measures and labor protection in 1946 at the SVRP enterprises occurred increase in accidents. So, all efforts were directed on further improvement of financial and social welfare as well as cultural education of workers of river transport.

Key words: Volga river transport, Great Patriotic War, recovery, social protection, social insurance, trade-union organizations, social security.

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Peculiarities of Social Insurance of Workers of the Middle Volga Steamship Line During the Post-War Restoration Period (1945-1946) by Gomanenko O.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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