MALKIN S.G. “Gentlemen in the North of Scotland” or Military and the Ethnic Cartography of the “The Highland Problem”


Malkin Stanislav Gennadyevich

Associate Professor, Department of World History and Educational Methodology,

Samara State Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities

s.g.malkin@mail.ruThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

M. Gorkogo St., 65/67, 443099 Samara, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article analyses the views of the British Military responsible for the pacification of the Scotland Highlands in the first half of the XVIIIth century. The material deals with the representation, interpretation and use of ethnographic information about rebellious country in the process of its ethnic cartography. The article analyses the rhetoric strategies of the texts by the Military and their aims, role and consequences.

The author studies the Highland Problem on the basis of data collected by Captain Edward (Edmund) Burt and Captain John Barlow in the Highlands of Scotland (taking into account the features of data accumulation process on this subject before and after the last Jacobite Rebellion 1745–1746). The author analyses this material according to the following guides: the evidence provided by most famous commentators on the Scotland Highlands state and on the Highland Problem in particular, the traditions of analyzing official and non-official documentary on the Highland Problem, the sense of active corporative unity that was spread among the militaries during the first half of the XVIIIth century and colonial issues and policies on other imperial margins.

The author makes conclusion that the data collected and arranged by captains Burt and Barlow was not sufficient for their research results and rather represented the idea of ideal Highlands of Scotland which should be brought to life after strong social reorganization. Construction of ethnographic situations, invention of ethnographic traditions and search for the possible limits of knowledge about the Highlanders and the Highlands served to make empirical issues more concrete from the administrative point of view and up to the new level of colonial knowledge. In such circumstances ethnic cartography was used to integrate military and political geography and administrative ethnography of the Highland Problem solution.

Key words: Great Britain, Highlands of Scotland, the Highland Problem, ethnic cartography, Edward Burt, John Barlow.

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MALKIN S.G. by “Gentlemen in the North of Scotland” or Military and the Ethnic Cartography of the “The Highland Problem” is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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