AGEEVA V.A. Restoring the Educational System of the Stalingrad Region After the Liberation from the German Fascist Invaders in 1943–1945


Valentina A. Ageeva

Candidate of Science (History), Associate Professor, Dean,

Faculty of History and Philology, Taganrog Institute named after A.P. Chekhov (branch) RSUE (RINH),

Initiativnaya St, 48, 347924 Taganrog, Russian Federation

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Annotation. The article highlights the peculiarities of restoring the system of school education in the Stalingrad region in the years 1943–1945 as part of the solution of the following problems: generalization of resources for the revival of the regional school network, having material and non-material nature; characterization of sources for recruiting teaching staff; the selection of causes affecting the success of general education in the region at the final stage of the war. The study showed that the task of building schools and providing them with equipment as well as educational supplies was solved mainly at the expense of local reserves and patronage assistance from the regions of the RSFSR and the republics of the USSR. One of the most effective ways of using the local labor potential has become the method of folk construction. The issue of forming the teaching staff of educational institutions was especially difficult and ambiguous in the region. One of the sources for the formation of the teaching staff was the network of pedagogical universities in the Stalingrad region, which was reviving simultaneously with the school system of education. The main breeding ground for teaching staff was short-term courses for high school students and employees at institutes for advanced training of teachers. During the recovery period, the role of the school increases in solving the everyday problems of students, the successful implementation of which directly depended on the attendance of schoolchildren at educational institutions. As a result, in 1943–1945, the foundations were laid for the further productive development of school education in the Stalingrad region in the post-war years.

Key words: restoring, schools, Stalingrad region, teaching staff, general education, the Great Patriotic War.

Citation. Ageeva V.A. Restoring the Educational System of the Stalingrad Region After the Liberation from the German Fascist Invaders in 1943–1945. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 4. Istoriya. Regionovedenie. Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya [Science Journal of Volgograd State University. History. Area Studies. International Relations], 2023, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 185-197.(in Russian). DOI:

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