SEROV V.V. Financial Policy of Tiberius Constantinus the Augustus .
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Vadim V. Serov
Doctor of Sciences (History), Associate Professor, Head of the Sector of History and Culture,
Barnaul Orthodox Seminary,
Yadrintseva Lane, 66, 656008 Barnaul, Russian Federation
Abstract. Introduction. The historical sources did not give the detail description of all the policies of the Byzantine government in the rule of Tiberius Constantinus the August (578–582). Modern historiography usually follows their data without attracting of opportunities, which could be offered by the interdisciplinary methods. As a result, the full-length picture of the reign of Tiberius II has not been made yet. This statement is correct regarding different sectors of the emperor’s policies and his financial policy as well.
Methods. Special method of study for such object was approved in earlier author’s publications. It bases on definition of a financial policy in the modern economics and, as consequence, on the use of data which are not mentioned by literary tradition and not noticed by the traditional historiography. As a result, the studying subject gets prodigious volume and versatility.
Analysis and results. The analysis of the Tiberius II’s multi-aspect activity through prism of the imperial finance has allowed to see the results of his financial policy in those state life spheres that were not connected with the public finances immediately. In this connection the axiomatic facts and then events have received revaluation; some comparison of expenses and empire incomes was spent; the conclusion on quality of emperor’s political management was drawn. Besides, existence in head of this August of an original conception of the financial policy was ascertained. Its feature was the provision of payments balance in the sphere of foreign policy in every way. This emperor showed his organizing ability through the innovation in redistribution of resources between different state departments. Regular and extraordinary imperial budgets lost former precise frames of their functional activity. But moreover, Tiberius II has not gone into extremes of the private-owner attitude to the state finances. The moderation and rationalism of his financial policy did allow to avoid the full devastation of treasury in the period of his individual reign.
Key words: Tiberius Constantinus as the Augustus, written sources, problem of research methods, extraordinary expenses, additional income, evaluation of imperial financial policies.
Citation. Serov V.V. Financial Policy of Tiberius Constantinus the Augustus. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 4. Istoriya. Regionovedenie. Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya [Science Journal of Volgograd State University. History. Area Studies. International Relations], 2021, vol. 26, no. 6, pp. 136-151. (in Russian). DOI:
Financial Policy of Tiberius Constantinus the Augustus by Serov V.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.