BALABEYKINA O.A., DMITRIEV A.L. Confessional Regional Studies: Directions and Approaches in Research
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Olga A. Balabeykina
Candidate of Sciences (Geography), Associate Professor,
Department of Regional Economics and Natural Resource Management, Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics,
Sadovaya St, 21, 191023 Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor,
Department of General Economic Theory and History of Economic Thought,
Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics, Sadovaya St, 21, 191023 Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Abstract. Introduction. The article analyzes the subject-thematic content of modern scientific domestic and foreign works, the field of study of which is religion in countries and regions. The article deals with theoretical issues related to an integrated approach to regional studies in the development and functioning of the confessional space.
Methods and materials. Statistical methods of data processing were applied, as well as the visualization of statistical data reflecting the functioning of the structural elements of the geo-confessional space.
Analysis. Based on the specifics of the subject area, it is proposed to identify such thematic areas: historical-cultural, spatial (chorological), political-legal, socio-economic. A brief description of each of the designated areas is given. Within the framework of the spatial direction, the essence of two approaches is separately reflected: the institutionalterritorial and the religious-landscape. The necessity of using the scientific and factual basis of each of the selected areas for conducting a comprehensive study of the confessional space is indicated. Attention is paid to the use of scientific tools in comprehensive regional-confessional studies.
Results. The importance of expanding the range of mathematical and statistical methods adopted in regional studies is indicated, since the results of calculating the coefficients of unevenness, advantages, etc. are the evidence base for identifying regional differences in the placement of religious infrastructure, etc. and can be applied in scientific works in all regional and confessional areas. For clarity, the provisions presented in the article are illustrated with examples related to elements of the confessional space of different regions and countries. The most promising for further development in the field of regional-confessional research, as the least studied, the authors call the political-legal and socio-economic directions, while maintaining the importance of historical and cultural as well as spatial in the meaning of independent research, and as a basis for a comprehensive one.
Key words: area studies, religious space, religions, confessions, research areas.
Citation. Balabeykina O.A., Dmitriev A.L. Confessional Regional Studies: Directions and Approaches in Research. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 4. Istoriya. Regionovedenie. Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya [Science Journal of Volgograd State University. History. Area Studies. International Relations], 2021, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 45-56. (in Russian). DOI:
Confessional Regional Studies: Directions and Approaches in Research by Balabeykina O.A., Dmitriev A.L. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.