KARYAGINA D.I. Regional youth educational forum “Volga-2012” as the territory of peace, tolerance and ethno-political solidarity

Karyagina Dariya Ivanovna

Undergraduate Student, Department of Political Sciences,

Volgograd State University

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Abstract. The report considers the role of the regional forum “Volga-2012” in the organization and implementation of new youth projects. The research work “Political myth as a factor of formation of ethnic tensions between the citizens of Ukraine and Russia” by the undergraduate student of political science of VolSU is represented.

Key words: youth, youth politics, Volgograd Region, tolerance, ethno-political solidarity.

Creative Commons License
Regional youth educational forum “Volga-2012” as the territory of peace, tolerance and ethno-political solidarity by KARYAGINA D.I. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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