PLESHAKOV I.N., VASILIEVA E.N. The Cossacks in the Period of Colonization and Formation of the Saratov Volga Region Administrative Structure in the Late 17th – Early 18th Centuries
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Ivan N. Pleshakov
Candidate of Sciences (History),
Russian Society of Historians and Archivists,
Moskovskaya St., 72, Bld. 1, 410042 Saratov, Russian Federation
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Ekaterina N. Vasilieva
Doctor of Sciences (Sociology), Associate Professor, Director of the Institute of History, International Relations and Social Technologies,
Volgograd State University,
Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation
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Abstract. Introduction. The work investigated the Cossacks during the period of colonization and the formation of the Saratov Volga region administrative structure in the late 17th – early 18th c. The paper presents the analysis of the Cossacks and its influence on the military organization of life in the region during this period. The relevance of studying the processes of colonization in the Volga region in the late 17th – early 18th centuries is growing, since these issues are not fully analyzed in the scientific literature.
Methods and materials. Methods: the principles of historicism and objectivity, analysis, synthesis, the historical-genetic method, the system approach. Materials: abstracts of I.A. Biryukov, S.B. Veselovskiy, A.A. Geraklitov, N.B. Golikova, A.L. Kleytman, E.N. Kusheva, S.A. Mezin, I.N. Pleshakov, I.O. Tyumentsev and others.
Analysis. In this article, the authors qualify positive and negative factors that changed the place of the Cossacks in the process of colonization and forming the Saratov Volga region administrative structure (the lands that entered Saratov province in the late 18th century are understood). During this period, the oldest Cossack communities of Russia were formed: the Don, Yaitsky, Terek Hosts. The authors consider the reasons that became an obstacle for the Cossacks and did not allow creating the same community on the Volga.
Results. This paper reviews the history of city Cossack teams in Saratov, Dmitrievsk, Tsaritsyn, Cherny Yar and other settlements. The authors note that when evaluating the practices of the interaction between the Cossacks and the administrative center of the state, it is necessary to take into account the historical period. The authors present a methodological scheme for analysing the factors of colonization and formation of the Saratov Volga region administrative structure and take into account changes in identifying the Cossacks (voluntary and serving).
Key words: Cossacks, administrative structure, Saratov, Volga region, garrisons, colonization.
Citation. Pleshakov I.N., Vasilieva E.N. The Cossacks in the Period of Colonization and Formation of the Saratov Volga Region Administrative Structure in the Late 17th – Early 18th Centuries. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 4. Istoriya. Regionovedenie. Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya [Science Journal of Volgograd State University. History. Area Studies. International Relations], 2019, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 20-33. (in Russian). DOI:
The Cossacks in the Period of Colonization and Formation of the Saratov Volga Region Administrative Structure in the Late 17th – Early 18th Centuries by Pleshakov I.N., Vasilieva E.N. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.