VIN Yu.Ya. The Reception and Transliteration of Concepts and Terms of Byzantine Law: Cognitive Aspects of Systematization
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Candidate of Sciences (History), Senior Researcher,
Institute of World History, RAS,
Prosp. Leninskiy, 32a, 991119 Moscow, Russian Federation
Abstract. Introduction. The contemporary Humanities consider the reception as perception of foreign law and juridical culture. The reception of law, having been a component part of social culture, is applied to Byzantine law and its Slavonian assignees.
The section The methods and approaches to study on reception of concepts and terms: theoretical aspects contains grounds of analysis of reception. It means the authentic notions and terms of law monuments. The cognitive aspects of conceptual and terminological reception are examined as something paramount in the light of integral connection with the history of law and the upgrowth of culture. The adoption of concepts and terms in Byzantine law is proclaimed as special academic problem.
The section The conceptual and terminological reception in Byzantine law: scientific grounds relies on an overview of fundamental transformation of the system of Mediaeval Byzantine law. Its ideological gist was based on the Canon law and rules, which represented the fundamentals of creed and moral principles of Christianity and legal relationships. The evaluation is simultaneously given to consequences of transition from Roman law, written in Latin, to Early Mediaeval forms of Greek compilations in post-Justinian period of Byzantine history. These grounds allow considering the adoption of Roman law concepts and terms in Byzantine law as their reception in full sense of this word quite justifiable.
The section The analysis of conceptual and terminological reception of Byzantine law refers to specific examples of adoption of Roman law vocabulary in Mediaeval Byzantine law. Here, the main principles of systematization of loan notions and terms are represented. The parts of speech and morphological composition of loan words, separate concepts and terms as well as word-combinations and syntagmas formed by them are to be a special object of attention.
The section The results and conclusion declares a necessity of revelation of full circle of loan notions and terms, their identification and systematization by contemporary information technologies. The Expert System ‘Byzantine Law and Acts’ and the online Thesaurus developed now are to be technological resources, intended to fulfill this aim.
Key words: Byzantium, Byzantine Law, reception, concepts, terms, Expert System, Thesaurus.
Citation. Vin Yu.Ya. The Reception and Transliteration of Concepts and Terms of Byzantine Law: Cognitive Aspects of Systematization. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 4, Istoriya. Regionovedenie. Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya [Science Journal of Volgograd State University. History. Area Studies. International Relations], 2018, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 6-24. (in Russian). DOI:
The Reception and Transliteration of Concepts and Terms of Byzantine Law: Cognitive Aspects of Systematization by Vin Yu.Ya. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.