BULATOV V.V., ZAGORULKO M.M. “Non-capitalist” foreign concessions in the USSR
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu4.2012.1.8
Bulatov Vladimir Viktorovich
Kandidat Nauk (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Russian History,
Volgograd State University
Zagorulko Maxim Matveyevich
Doctor Nauk (Economics), Professor, Councilor to the Rector,
Volgograd State University
Abstract. The participation of foreign noncommercial (working, charitable and religious) organizations in restoration of the young state economy was a specificity of the early years of the Soviet power. Their work should not be conducted on a concession base, as it would go counter with instructions of the Soviet management on granting concessions to exclusively private-capitalist organizations that pursue the main objective of extracting profits. However, the Soviet practice showed sometimes the ambiguous approach. The article given illustrates all cases of granting concessions to the foreign noncommercial organizations during the concession relations period in the USSR.
Key words: concessions, noncommercial organizations, foreign capital, the New Economic Policy, concession relations.
“Non-capitalist” foreign concessions in the USSR by BULATOV V.V., ZAGORULKO M.M. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.