MESTKOVSKY D.A. The party of socialists-revolutionaries in emigration in 1920s. The ways of revival of the organization: centralism or democracy


Mestkovsky Dmitry Alexandrovich

Postgraduate Student, Department of Russian History,

Volgograd State University

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Abstract. The contemporary historiography has dispelled the Soviet myth about the logical crash of the Party of Socialists-Revolutionaries, and then it’s created the presentations that the Socialists-Revolutionaries were the democratic alternative to bolshevism. The author of the article by using the party documents came to a resume that the democratic orientation of the Socialist Revolutionaries was combined with centralism, which some leaders transformed to authoritarian trending.

Key words: Socialists-Revolutionaries, the Party Socialists-Revolutionaries, Esers, socialization, V.M. Chernov.

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The party of socialists-revolutionaries in emigration in 1920s. The ways of revival of the organization: centralism or democracy by MESTKOVSKY D.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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