SKRIPKIN A.S. Defining the number of Sarmatian inhabitants in the Lower Volga region


Skripkin Anatoliy Stepanovich

Doctor Nauk (History), Professor, Department of Archeology and Foreign History,

Volgograd State University

anatoly.skripkin@volsu.ruThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. Ancient authors usually exaggerated the number of Sarmatian inhabitants. The methods used to solve the problem in the late 20th century led to contradictory conclusions. More objective data of Sarmatian population may be calculated basing on new research results of the Kalmyk ethnography. The Kalmyks were also nomadic people, and occupied the same ecological niche as Sarmatians did in the early Iron Age.

Key words: Sarmatians, aorsi, demography, ethnography, Kalmyks.

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Defining the number of Sarmatian inhabitants in the Lower Volga region by SKRIPKIN A.S. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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