BALABANOVA M.A. Military science of the sarmations-alans and huns according to antique written sources


Balabanova Maria Afanasyevna

Kandidat Nauk (History), Head of the Department of Archeology and Foreign History,

Volgograd State University

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Abstract. The information on tactics of conducting military operations and extortionate attacks by the Sarmations-Alans and Huns in antique written sources is extensive enough. It characterizes these peoples as very skillful warriors. The special attention is paid to the description of Sarmatian elite, heavily armored horsemen cataphracts. The description of military events with the participation of Sarmations-Alans and Huns takes the leading position.

Key words: Sarmatians, Alans, horseman, plundering inroads, Huns, spear, flying squad, tribal alliance.

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Military science of the sarmations-alans and huns according to antique written sources by BALABANOVA M.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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