PERERVA Eu.V. The population of the Krasnoyarsk site of ancient settlement of golden horde time, on materials of burial ground Vakurovsky hillock (paleopathological aspect)


Pererva Eugeny Vladimirovich

Kandidat Nauk (History), Head of the Department of Research-and-Administration,

Volgograd branch of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

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Abstract. The work is devoted to the studying of the bone material received as a result of excavation of the Golden Horde burial ground Vakurovsky hillock. A series consists of 111 skeletons. The fixation technique of paleopathological features on skeleton bones was used in the course of the research. As a result of the conducted work it was possible to establish the important features of life-activities of the studied samples, to establish the degree of its genetic homogeneity, to define sex-age indicators and specificity of spreading of metabolic diseases, as well as the musculoskeletal system and infectious diseases.

Key words: Vakurovsky hillock, the Golden Horde, paleopathology, osseous remains, scurvy, traumas, сartilage hernias.

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The population of the Krasnoyarsk site of ancient settlement of golden horde time, on materials of burial ground Vakurovsky hillock (paleopathological aspect) by PERERVA Eu.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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