CHENNYK S.V. The Crimean War on Book Pages…


Sergey V. Chennyk

Chief Editor, 

Military Historical Journal “Military Krym”;

Lieutenant Colonel

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P.O.B. 2925, 295053 Simferopol, Crimean Republic, Russian Federation

Abstract. The paper contains overview of the most interesting books of Russian book market on the history of the Crimean (Eastern) War, published in 2010-2016. The author studies the re-editions of classical works and sources on the history of the Crimean War (E.V. Tarle, L.N. Tolstoy, Kh.Ya. Gyubbenet), books by foreign authors published in Russian (W.H. Russell, J. Sweetman, P. Mercer, A. Trubetskoy) and books by modern Russian researchers (P.M. Lyashuk, E. Kaydalova, L.V. Melnikova, Yu.A. Naumova, S.A. Pinchuk and S.V. Chennyk).

Key words: Crimean (Eastern) War of 1853-1856, overview of modern literature on Crimean War.

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