KORNEVA-CHAEVA I.A., RYBKINA N.P. How to Modernize the Academic Museum. Exhibition Activity of the Museum Group the ARAS as a Pilot Project of the Museum of History of Russian Academy of Science
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu4.2016.3.19
Irina A. Korneva-Chaeva
Senior Researcher,
Archive of Russian Academy of Sciences;
Member of Association of Art Critics
Novocheremushkinskaya St., 34, 117218 Moscow, Russian Federation
Natalya P. Rybkina
Senior Researcher,
Archive of Russian Academy of Sciences;
Director of Museum Group
Novocheremushkinskaya St., 34, 117218 Moscow, Russian Federation
Abstract. The article on the example of the Museum group of Archives of Russian Academy of Science is demonstrating new possibilities of representation of archival documents in the museum space. The authors focused on the potential exposure of the museum based on the principle of visualization. They explain the special role of representing scientific knowledge for education of youth. They offer a new form of interactive communication with the museum’s scientific heritage, based on the method of comprehending the reality as a “co-experience” and “re-discovery” that leads to the attainment the new generation to the new intellectual and spiritual experience. The experiment, the research paper, the science, the war, and even the modern art are the main themes of our exhibitions. The authors use the special new methods of exhibition to create the intriguing image of scientist. They use light boxes and interactive demonstrations. The main aim of the exposition is to show the documents of Archives of Russian Academy of Science, so we rely on the following materials: personal fond of academicians A.N. Nesmeyanov, V.L. Komarov, M.V. Keldysh, I.V. Kurchatov and others. Authors successfully solve the problems of the development of new theoretical principles exposing archival documents by modern methods.
Key words: history of science, museum, Academy of Sciences, museum space, archive.
How to Modernize the Academic Museum. Exhibition Activity of the Museum Group the ARAS as a Pilot Project of the Museum of History of Russian Academy of Science by Korneva-Chaeva I.A., Rybkina N.P.. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.