MURZIN-GUNDOROV V.V. Voskresensky New Jerusalem Monastery: Place of Prince A.A. Chelakaev (Chelokaev) in the Family Necropolis of the Buturlins – Priklonskys – Volynskys – Wolfs – Sukhovo-Kobylins


Viktor V. Murzin-Gundorov

Assistant Professor, Department of History,

Orthodox Institute of Saint John the Evangelist

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Chernyshevskogo Lane, 11a, 127473 Moscow, Russian Federation

Abstract. Our research of necropolis of New Jerusalem Monastery has brought a new name. It is prince A.A. Chelakaev. He was buried on the unpaved section of the monastery cemetery. Historic burial place of one of the oldest princely family of Georgia in a noble part of monastery necropolis let us attribute prince A.A. Chelakaev to related families – the Buturlins – Priklonskys – Volynskis – Wolfs – Sukhovo-Kobylins (25/10/1778 – 04/11/1873), including 11 graves. Besides, that extends investigations based on the “monument / burial” principle. Genealogical research that affected the person buried in the monastery of Prince Alexander Anofrievich Chelakaev allowed to make up for the genealogy of Chelokashvili princes, one of the most noble families of Georgia so far very poorly studied. We used the sources associated with burials in Moscow the Georgian elite tombs of St. Nicholas Greek and the Donskoy Monastery. Georgian prince, buried in the Voskresensky New Jerusalem Monastery, was not an unauthorized person to a host of representatives of persons belonging to the aristocracy reigning House of Bagration. We note that the research material at our disposal expanded the results of archaeological discoveries of 2009-2013. Due to this facxt, we updated the list of monuments involving research field associated with the study of the necropolis of the New Jerusalem Monastery in the genealogical, heraldic and epigraphic monuments from 1656 to 1919, as we attributed several previously unknown and inaccessible tombstones before hidden in the ground. In particular, the findings of two new graves and tombstones proved to be especially valuable.

Key words: necropolis, Voskresensky New Jerusalem Monastery, monument, sources, genealogy, heraldry, epigraphy, Chelakaev.

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Voskresensky New Jerusalem Monastery: Place of Prince A.A. Chelakaev (Chelokaev) in the Family Necropolis of the Buturlins – Priklonskys – Volynskys – Wolfs – Sukhovo-Kobylins by Murzin-Gundorov V.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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