DANILOV V.N. The Problem of Restructuring Industry of the Saratov Region to War-Footing During the Great Patriotic War

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu4.2015.4.12

Viktor Nikolaevich Danilov

Doctor of Sciences (History), Professor,

Head of Department of Russian History and Historiography,

Saratov State University

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Astrakhanskaya St., 83, 410012 Saratov, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article reviews the industrial restructuring of the Saratov region on a war footing at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. The author shows some details of this process: the transfer of enterprises to produce defense products, accommodation and commissioning of the evacuated factories and plants, the problems of industrial cooperation, ensuring supply of labor personnel. The opinion is given on the actual completion of the restructuring of industry in the region on a war footing by the summer of 1942. By this time, the range of products of industrial enterprises was determined, input capacity of evacuated enterprises was completed, an acute shortage of skilled workers on the major factories in the region was eliminated. The second wave of evacuation (Summer-Autumn of 1942) had no effect on the industry in the Saratov region. The composition of the Saratov industrial temporary placement of army repair bases in the Stalingrad Front had changed. The deficit of electricity supply can not be attributed to a number of large regional disparities of war economy. Restructuring of transport on a war footing, especially the railway had a significant and dramatic effect after the introduction of martial law in all forms of transport in April-May of 1943 to the process of agricultural production.

Key words: Great Patriotic War, Saratov region, military production, restructuring, evacuation, resources.

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The Problem of Restructuring Industry of the Saratov Region to War-Footing During the Great Patriotic War by Danilov V.N. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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