BERESTNEV R.S., MEDVEDEV A.P. Sarmatian Monuments in the Forest-Steppe Interfluve Area Between the Don and the Volga Rivers (Zoning Experience)
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Berestnev Roman Sergeevich
Senior Researcher,
Voronezh Regional Local History Museum
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Prosp. Revolyutsii, 29, 394036 Voronezh, Russian Federation
Medvedev Aleksandr Pavlovich
Doctor of Sciences (History), Professor, Head of Department of Archaeology and Ancient History,
Voronezh State University
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Prosp. Moskovsky, 88, 394052 Voronezh, Russian Federation
Abstract. The article is devoted to the zoning of Sarmatian antiquities in the forest-steppe interfluve area between the Don and the Volga rivers. On the basis of the analysis, the authors allocate four areas of burial monuments in the Northern periphery of the Asian Sarmatia (the river in Voronezh, the Middle Don, the Upper Don, the area between the Khoper and the Volga rivers). The stages of the forest-steppe area development by the Sarmatians in the Don River, the Khoper river and the right bank of the Volga river were also studied. The first stage is characterized by the general description of Sarmatian monuments located in the forest-steppe area between the Volga and the Khoper. The authors carry out the detailed review of the distinctive features of the funeral rites and some peculiar details: stratigraphy, structures beneath barrows, forms of burial pits, postures of the deceased, orientation, use of fire, imported and domestic utensils, weapons and ornaments. Archaeological materials are compared with the data of ancient sources (Claudius Ptolemy). The result of the study consists in the comparative analysis of the binding of specific ethnic groups in the allocated areas. The authors attribute the Sarmatians on the Voronezh river with the Gippofagi ancient authors; the Aseyes and the Sakata – with the area of monuments in the forest between the Volga and the Khoper.
Key words: Sarmatians, forest steppe, nomads, the Don, the Volga, the Khoper.
Sarmatian Monuments in the Forest-Steppe Interfluve Area Between the Don and the Volga Rivers (Zoning Experience) by Berestnev R.S., Medvedev A.P. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.