KHARININ A.I., KHARININA L.V. Untouchable castes of Uttar Pradesh


Kharinin Artem Igorevich

Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work and Pedagogics,

Volgograd State University

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Prospekt Universitetskij, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Kharinina Larisa Vasilyevna

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Social Work and Pedagogics,

Volgograd State University

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Prospekt Universitetskij, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The Untouchable Castes of Uttar Pradesh are examined in this article. This region is one of the most populated in India. Also it is one of the most social mixed-composed in whole State. That’s why main conclusions which were made on this material can be extrapolated to all social space of country.

The authors choose four ethno-caste groups, which represent the majority in untouchables and the three smallest in jaties. Their positions in regional hierarchy and economic specialization are analyzed in detail. There are a lot of information about their number, social structure, literacy rating, endogamy, day-to-day practices, customs and other features. Special accents were pointed on mind orientation of their elites toward integration in modern society or, conversely, toward the conservation of traditional forms of existence.

The issues of origin and social evolution of untouchable castes of Uttar Pradesh are examined. There is assessment of castes’ sanskritization or other forms of social selfdevelopment. The quality of “scheduled” castes social environment is analyzed. As a marks of its positiveness the data about discrimination untouchables from other social groups and degree of political representativeness of “scheduled” castes, accessibility of education and labour were chosen.

The conclusions were made about development degree of some castes. The factors that play role in positive changes in contemporary conditions were determined. The authors put forward their own hypothesis of future development of untouchable castes in Uttar Pradesh. Empiric base of this article was established on sources that have Indian origin and historical and social research of outstanding western indologies.

Key words: caste, jajmany, jati, sanskritization, gotra, dalits.

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Untouchable castes of Uttar Pradesh by KHARININ A.I., KHARININA L.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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