KUZNETSOVA N.V. The Restoration and Improvement of Material Base of Cultural Institutions of Stalingrad Region in 1943–1952
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu4.2014.1.9
Kuznetsova Nadezhda Vasilyevna
Doctor of Sciences (History), Professor, Department of Russian History,
Volgograd State University
Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation
Abstract. The war caused the considerable loss to cultural and educational establishments of the Stalingrad Region. We may allocate three stages in restoration of their material resources. The first stage (1943–1948) was characterized by the acute shortage of materials and labor force. The local population reached the growth of the number of recreation centers, clubs, libraries and reading rooms mainly at the expense of the adaptation of the remained buildings and construction of new rooms. By the end of 1948, the number of cultural and educational establishments began to correspond to the pre-war figure. However, many of them had to be repaired; there was a great shortage of equipment and literature.
The second stage (1949–1950) was positively affected by the success in restoration of the country and the region. The increase of the state investments in the cultural sphere took place. The growth of cultural and educational establishments was directly connected with new construction. Repair of the majority of recreation centers, rural clubs and reading rooms was organized, updating of their equipment began. In 1950 book funds of libraries were equal to the pre-war level. The regional authorities started “a continuous cinematographic development of area”.
At the third stage (1951–1952), the defining influence had performance of the main objectives of the Fourth Five-Year plan. In 1951–1952 more libraries were open, than in 1943–1950. Their book funds were replenished quicker. More rural clubs were open, than at two previous stages together taken. For the first time their quantity exceeded a number of reading rooms. Modernization of the equipment of club establishments became a characteristic feature of a new stage. In the early fifties the equipment of collective farms with radio was fully carried out. The film service, its scales and quality extended.
Key words: cultural institutions, recreation centers, clubs, libraries, reading rooms, radio, cinema.
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