MITROKHINA T.N. Competence approach in Russian higher education: innovation or regression?

Mitrokhina Tatiana Nikolaevna

Doktor nauk (Political Sciences), Professor, Head of the Department of Political Science,

Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation – In the Volga Management Institute named by P.A. Stolypin, Saratov

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Abstract. This article analyzes some of the problems encountered in the implementation of transition of higher education in modern Russia on a two-tier European system accordingly to the Bologna agreement. Integration into the European single-parameter education space is often considered as a major innovation of the reform of higher education in Russia. However, whether this process is really innovative?

Key words: competence-based approach, the reform of higher education, modernization, political science, innovations, lecturer’s qualification.

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Competence approach in Russian higher education: innovation or regression? by MITROKHINA T.N. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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