SHEKHOVTSOV A.N., SHEKHOVTSOVA N.A. Traditions of Bologna University and modern Bologna Process

Shekhovtsov Aleksey Nikolaevich

Postgraduate student, Teaching assistant, Department of Political Stidies,

Volgograd State University, 


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Shekhovtsova Nadezhda Alekseevna

Kandidat nauk (Sociology), Associate Professor, Department of Political Sciences,

Volgograd State University, 


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Abstract. The main stages of the formation of the Bologna Process in Europe are revealed and considered. Characteristics of each historical stage are given. Absence in the course of a humanity principle comes to light. The conclusion about the value of the Bologna Process is drawn.

Key words: Bologna process, humanity, European humanity, education philosophy, higher education.

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Traditions of Bologna University and modern Bologna Process by SHEKHOVTSOV A.N., SHEKHOVTSOVA N.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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