PANKRATOV S.A., MOROZOV S.I. State and Civil Society in the search of resources for overcoming xenophobia, nationalism and extremism in Russia in the contemporary period

Pankratov Sergey Anatolievich

Doktor nauk (Political Sciences), Professor, Head of the Department of Political Sciences,

Volgograd State University, 


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Morozov Sergey Ivanovich

Kandidat nauk (Political Sciences), Associate Professor, Department of Political Sciences,

Volgograd State University, 


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Abstract. This article analyzes the results of the work of the Research and Education Center “Modernization of multidimensional socio-political space of contemporary Russia”. Particular attention is paid to the realization of the first stage of the state contract on the topic “Innovative resources and models of political and legal resocialization of the youth cohorts representatives that are prone to xenophobia and nationalism, extremist forms of behavior in the context of modernization of contemporary Russia”.

Key words: xenophobia, nationalism, extremism, resocialization, youth, innovative models, actors, resources.

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State and Civil Society in the search of resources for overcoming xenophobia, nationalism and extremism in Russia in the contemporary period by PANKRATOV S.A., MOROZOV S.I. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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