SMIRNOVA O.A., SEMENYCHEVA T.P. On the role of France and International organization «La Francophonie» in preserving cultural diversity
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Smirnova Olga Anatolyevna
Kandidat nauk (Political Sciences), Associate Professor, Department of International relations,
Nizhegorodsky State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky
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Semenycheva Tatyana Pavlovna
Postgraduate student, Department of International relations,
Nizhegorodsky State University named after N. I. Lobachevsky
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Abstract. This article considers the International organization «La Francophonie», that treats language as a medium of exchange of the cultural and educational values offering harmonious coexistence of the French language and culture with languages of other countries of the world, it proclaims a policy of language pluralism urging to consider the French language as means of rallying historically connected cultures. The authors analyze the role of the language in modern political process stating the influence of sociolinguistic factors on various aspects of life in modern society.
Key words: globalization, cultural and linguistic diversity, the International organization «La Francophonie», language policy, dialogue of cultures.
On the role of France and International organization «La Francophonie» in preserving cultural diversity by SMIRNOVA O.A., SEMENYCHEVA T.P. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.