CHIBISOV A.V. (abbot MANUIL) On tendencies of drevle-orthodox church development in the USSR (1941–1949)
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Chibisov Andrey Vladimirovich
Postgraduate student, Department of World history and Historiography,
Kostroma State University named after N.A. Nekrasov
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Abstract. The role of Drevle-orthodox church during the Great Patriotic War is defined. The basic tendencies of its development are revealed. The changes in the policy of the Soviet State to the сhurch are shown. The actions of the Soviet State directed at the association of old believe agreements are considered.
Key words: Drevle-orthodox church with good attitude to Belokrinitsky hierarchy, Moscow Arhiepiskopija, patriotic service of church, revival of Arhiepiskopija, plan on association of priest agreements.
On tendencies of drevle-orthodox church development in the USSR (1941–1949) by CHIBISOV A.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.