BALABANOVA M.A. Anthropological types variability of Sarmatian populations in the Lower Volga region


Balabanova Maria Afanasyevna

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Archeology and Foreign History, 

Volgograd State University

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Abstract.  Accumulated craniological material from the Lower Region Volga river burials allows to consider the anthropological types variability of Sarmatian populations in time and space. On the basis of intragroup and intergroup analyses the author points out the intragroup polymorphous components of Sarmatian population.

Key words: Sarmats, craniology, series, table average, morphological type, main components, correlation. 

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Anthropological types variability of Sarmatian populations in the Lower Volga region by BALABANOVA M.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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