MERKULOV I.V. On the issue of poor people drafting into military service in republican Rome
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Merkulov Ivan Vasiljevich
Research associate, Department of Archeology and Foreign History,
Volgograd State University
Abstract. The author dwells on social structure changes in the Roman army. Before Guy Maria’s reform proletarians were not enrolled in military service on account of impossibility to be armed by themselves. However, the thorough analysis of the sources has shown that proletarians were liable for call-up, and were drafted in critical situations. At the moment of Guy Maria’s reform, after the state provided fullarmed maintenance of citizens the army became entirely proletarian.
Key words: Proletarii, capite censi, plebs urbana, ius militum, census, civitas
On the issue of poor people drafting into military service in republican Rome by MERKULOV I.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.