POPOV I.D. The «German question» in the policy of the «Christian-Social union in Bavaria» in the first post-war years (1945–1949)

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu4.2010.1.9

Popov Ivan Dmitryevich

Assistant, Social and Humanitarian Sciences Department,

Vologodsky State Technical University

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Abstract. The article deals with the attitude of the «Christian-Social union in Bavaria» (CSU) to the «German question» on the ground of a broad spectrum of sources, including unpublished materials of Bavarian archives. It reveals the origins and evolution of the CSU views on the problems of the German borders, relations with the East zone and the status of Germany in the European countries environment.

Key words: Germany, parties, Christian-Social union, Bavaria, German question, European concept. 

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The «German question» in the policy of the «Christian-Social union in Bavaria» in the first post-war years (1945–1949) by POPOV I.D. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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