KOROLYOVA L.A., ARTYOMOVА S.F. The soviet state party policy concerning evangelical christian baptists in 1940–1950-s (on materials of Penza region)

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu4.2010.2.6

Korolyova Larisa Aleksandrovna

Doctor of historical sciences, Professor, Department of History,

Penza State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

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Artyomova Svetlana Fyodorovna

Senior Teacher, Department of History,

Penza State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

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Abstract. In the article the basic directions of the state-confessional policy concerning evangelical Christian Baptists are analyzed at the regional level – in Penza region in 1940–1950-s.

Key words: the USSR, evangelical Christian Baptists, Penza region.

Creative Commons License
The soviet state party policy concerning evangelical christian baptists in 1940–1950-s (on materials of Penza region) by KOROLYOVA L.A., ARTYOMOVА S.F. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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