BALABANOVA M.A. On the problem on early medieval population origin of the south of Eastern Europe and the role of sarmatian groups in its ethnogenesis


Balabanova Maria Afanasyevna

Postgraduate student of Russian History Department, Assistant, Department of Documentation Linguistics and Document Studies,

Volgograd State University

mary.balabanova@volsu.ruThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Abstract. The hypothesis of Russian historiography on sarmatian participation in ethnogenesis of population of Medieval Eastern Europe is verified on the basis of solid craniological material. Applying methods of simple and multivariate statistics the author brings clearly out the absence of genetic roots between late sarmatian population and nomadic groups of the Early-turkish and Hasariian periods in the area of the Lower Volga, Lower Don and Crimea, but underlines the presence of an alanes component of the saltovo-majatskih complexes and alanes Caucasus groups in early-medieval period.

Key words: late Sarmatians, anthropological material, Hazaria time, Early Turkish time, chronological groups, morphology, early Iron Age, sokolov type, zlivkin type, late sivashovka type.

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On the problem on early medieval population origin of the south of Eastern Europe and the role of sarmatian groups in its ethnogenesis by BALABANOVA M.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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