BATURINA Ju.Yu. Social and political state of public opinion of scientific and pedagogical intelligentsia in Saratov and Stalingrad after the 20th CPSU congress
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Baturina Julia Yurievna
Postgraduate student of Russian History Department, Assistant, Department of Documentation Linguistics and Document Studies,
Volgograd State University
Abstract. The author analyzes the reaction of the faculty members in Stalingrad and Saratov universities on the report of N.S. Khrushchev «On the Personality Cult and its Consequences» at the 20th CPSU Congress. On the basis of archival documents recently available for scientific research, the major questions raised by the teachers at their party conferences are estimated, as including the attitude to Stalin, the causes of the personality cult, and on teaching social sciences disciplines.
Key words: higher education, scientific and pedagogical intelligentsia, ideology, the 20th CPSU Congress, Saratov, Stalingrad
Social and political state of public opinion of scientific and pedagogical intelligentsia in Saratov and Stalingrad after the 20th CPSU congress by BATURINA Ju.Yu. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.