NAZAROVA T.P. The 1921–1922 famine in the mennonite colonies of Orenburgskaya and Samarskaya guberniya


Nazarova Tatyana Pavlovna

Postgraduate student, International Relations, Area Studies and Political Sciences department,

Volgograd State University

hist_tatyana@mail.ruThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. The article is devoted to the famine at the beginning of the 1920-s in the Mennonete settlements in Orenburg and Samara areas. The author determines the factors that account for the low indexes of famine death among the Mennonites in comparison with the neighboring German and Russian population, and stresses the role of coreligion relief from abroad that saved the people from the famine.

Key words: mennonites, famine, Samarskaya guberniya, Orenburgskaya guberbiya.

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The 1921–1922 famine in the mennonite colonies of Orenburgskaya and Samarskaya guberniya by NAZAROVA T.P. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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