SHIGUROVA T.A. Outlook of Mordovian people on тhеir native costume (based on traditional mordovian dresses ofSaratovskya province in the middle 19th – early 20th century)
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Shigurova Tatyana Alekseevna
Candidate of historical sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Culturology,
Institute of National Culture MSU named after N.P. Ogarev
Abstract. The native costume is regarded as a settled component of the material and spiritual culture of the Mordovians. The author tries to understand the meaning of the notion «our costume» in view of emotional component.
Key words: ethnography, Mordovian people, material and spiritual culture, native costume, emotional component.
Outlook of Mordovian people on тhеir native costume (based on traditional mordovian dresses ofSaratovskya province in the middle 19th – early 20th century) by SHIGUROVA T.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.