LUNOCHKIN A.V. Vladikavkaz railway and economic development in the vicinity of Tsaritsyn (the beginnig of 20th century)
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Lunochkin Andrey Valentinovich
Candidate of historical sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Russian History,
Volgograd State University
Abstract. This article considers the influence of the Tsaritsyn-Tikhoretskaya branch of the Vladikavkaz railway (built at the end of 1890-s) on the economic development of the neighbourhood and the southern part of Tsaritsyn town. The author analyses the volume and structure of loads at each station, compares trade and industrial development of new settlements with the existing villages located near the railroad.
Key words:Vladikavkaz railway, Tsaritsyn, Sarepta, Beketovskaya, Yelshanka, industry, trade.
Vladikavkaz railway and economic development in the vicinity of Tsaritsyn (the beginnig of 20th century) by LUNOCHKIN A.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.