ABALMASOVA N.Eu. Technologies “symbolic management” in Russian regional policy

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu4.2012.1.20

Abalmasova Nadezhda Eugenyevna

Postgraduate Student, Department of Applied Political Science,

National Research University – Higher School of Economics

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Abstract. On almost all geographical levels, symbolic management is increasingly introduced into processes of place management. Regional and local public authorities represent their developmental socioeconomic initiatives in an attractive way in order to obtain resources e.g. tourists, residents and capital. Along with this externally oriented symbolic management, оn the basis of empirical material which comprises Russian cases, this paper explores the capacity of internally oriented symbolic strategies to support place modernization and endogenous development, by involving multiple communities and reinforcing their sense of place.

Key words: symbolic management, regional identity, modernization, local community, consolidation, place brand, city brand.

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Technologies “symbolic management” in Russian regional policy by ABALMASOVA N.Eu. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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