VASILYEVA E.N., KOZHIROVA S.B., PANKRATOV S.A. Stalingrad-Volgograd as a Symbol of Heroism and Patriotism in the Public Space of the Modern World


Ekaterina N. Vasilyeva

Doctor of Sciences (Sociology), Associate Professor, Director of Institute of History, International Relations and Social Technologies,

Volgograd State University,

Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

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Svetlana B. Kozhirova

Doctor of Sciences (Politics), Professor, Institute of Diplomacy,

Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan,

Abaya St., 33, 010000 Аstana, Kazakhstan

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Sergey A. Pankratov

Doctor of Sciences (Politics), Professor, Head of Department of International Relations, Political Science and Area Studies,

Volgograd State University,

Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

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Abstract. The paper presents the analysis of the Russian and foreign academic events dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the defeat of German fascist troops by the Soviet troops in the Battle of Stalingrad, in which lecturers, postgraduate and undergraduate students of the Volgograd State University (VolSU) took part. The focus of the paper is on the multilateral activities of the Center for Public Diplomacy, functioning on the basis of the VolSU, as well as of the Scientific and Educational Center “Modernization of the multidimensional social and political space of modern Russia” at the Department of International Relations, Political Science and Area Studies of VolSU on the presentation of Volgograd as a academic and methodological center for the formation of patriotism and civil identity in the Russian Federation.

E.N. Vasilyeva presents an analytical review of the international scientific and practical conference “Stalingrad – a symbol of heroism, patriotism and cohesion of the peoples of Russia and the world”. S.B. Kozhirova characterizes the cooperation of foreign scholars with colleagues from the Volgograd State University on the formation of the historical memory of generations. S.A. Pankratov highlights the main activities of the Center for Public Diplomacy and the academic and educational center “Modernization of the multidimensional social and political space of modern Russia” in the context of the institutionalization of the practices of people’s diplomacy in the public policy of the hero city Volgograd-Stalingrad.

Key words: Volgograd, Stalingrad battle, public policy, public diplomacy, Volgograd State University, international cooperation, academic conferences.

Citation. Vasilyeva E.N., Kozhirova S.B., Pankratov S.A. Stalingrad-Volgograd as a Symbol of Heroism and Patriotism in the Public Space of the Modern World. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 4, Istoriya. Regionovedenie. Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya [Science Journal of Volgograd State University. History. Area Studies. International Relations], 2018, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 195-198. DOI:

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Stalingrad-Volgograd as a Symbol of Heroism and Patriotism in the Public Space of the Modern World  by Vasilyeva E.N., Kozhirova S.B., Pankratov S.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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