BAZANOV V.A. The Opportunities for Russia-India Cooperation in the Sphere of Environmental Safety


Bazanov Varfolomey Aleksandrovich

Master of Area Studies,

Moscow State Institute of International Relations of Russian MIA;

Candidate for a Doctor’s Degree of Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Germany)

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Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, 80539 München, Germany

Abstract. The given research work presents an attempt to consider the main system of indicating the Indo-Russian relations considering new problems and new challenges of the world system. Opportunities for the development of relations are presented in three contexts: within the system of international organizations, bilateral relations, multilateral relations.

The search for answer to environmental challenges creates a framework for bilateral interstate cooperation between Russian and India. Apart from the mutual monitoring of potentially dangerous situations, two countries need a broad exchange of experience and harmonization of environmental pollution measurement and standards, as well as the exchange of experience in the development of cleaner production processes and methods for cleaning up industrial emissions.

The world system witnesses the redistribution of economic power, which in future could lead to political reconfiguration. The BRIC states, that include Russia and India, have in the new situation all chances to become the most influential international association, as a center for harmonizing the interests of new centers of the multipolar world. A common experience can help to create the variety of cooperation mechanism and make it profitable for all interactive parties. This platform is also highly important as a basis for deeper cooperation with other actors. Discussions within the BRIC format could naturally include subjects like comparative analysis of development models in various participating states, their positive and negative aspects in light of environmental protection, as well as sharing experiences of environmental management.

All participants of the global system are to reassess their role and their attitudes to global issues to resolve new types of problems. However, lack of institutional resources, lack of technological development and domestic problems prevent the new centers of power from fully addressing the global challenges.

Key words: ecology, international relations, world politics, India, Russian Federation, Kyoto Protocol, United Nations.

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The Opportunities for Russia-India Cooperation in the Sphere of Environmental Safety by BAZANOV V.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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