SUSYAEV A.I. The problem of political and institutional frameworks creation of the Russia-Belarus union state


Susyaev Anton Igorevich

Postgraduate Student, Department of International Relations,

Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky

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Abstract. The paper aims to analyze the problem of elaboration and adoption of the Constitutional Act of the Russia-Belarus Union State in the context of political and institutional framework creation. It describes approaches of the sides to the legal basis and foundations of functioning of the new subject on the international arena. The author undertakes an attempt to estimate prospects of the adoption of the draft Act, developed by the Working Group.

Key words: Union State, Constitutional Act, Supreme State Council, Council of Ministers, project, Working Group, Union Parliament, integration.

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The problem of political and institutional frameworks creation of the Russia-Belarus union state by SUSYAEV A.I. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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